Monday 6 December 2021

On the Road...Waterfalls...Beehive Falls...

After Bunjil's Shelter it was time to head off to find the day's aims...waterfalls!...first up was the second tick for my previous list...I'd been wanting to find time to go here for ages but you know, the work thing is constantly in the way of doing fun stuff...

Beehive Falls...a walk in from the car park...

More flora along the way...

There were lots of this one...

Interesting cones on this conifer...pointy...
More interesting rock/boulder formations...

At the end of the walk in...worth the trek and uphill climb over rocks and boulders...not a lot of water but still...pretty and peaceful...

One down...on to the next...

Happy Stitching...


Janice said...

What a pretty place. You chose a nice time of year to see the wild flowers.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Lovely landscape pictures. Wonderful outing.