Friday 30 September 2011

Pinwheels and hexagons...playing with more hexie shapes for a small giftee...a needle keep based on a Busyfingers pattern I've made is actually three quilt as you go hexies and a pocket is formed from the back cover and centre hexie...left out a couple of the design elements to suit my purpose this time...
And I realised I haven't shown something I finished a few weeks ago...the pinwheel table runner...done and dusted and ready for running over the sideboard...being modelled by the couch :)...
Happy stitching...

Saturday 24 September 2011


Whoso pulleth out this swordscissors of this stonefloorboard is the rightwise born kingqueen of all EnglandQuiltland.*

Had a great night last night stitching and chatting with local quilting group at one of our 6pm to midnight Sit & Sew Pizza Nights...we have these once or twice a year at the local hall and it's always great fun to just sit and stitch for up to six hours.  During the course of the evening it became apparent that the rightful queen of Quiltland would need to be found to remove these scissors stuck in the floorboards...
And the rightful queen is Rosie (no blog) who had traversed the land, travelling many miles across the wilderness to join us at our gathering!

OK so they are her scissors which took off of their own accord and embeded themselves in the floorboard below our trestle table but it was hilarious at the time...maybe you just had to be there *LOL*...

In exciting news I actually came up with a finish on the night! Wahoo...cue cheers and wild applause...thank you, thank you, thank you very much (she says with the voice of Elvis in her head)...OMG I am tired this morning...oh yes, the finish...
Ta dah! The "strange pink" table runner is a done deal...don't you just love the binding fabric...well I do and it's my runner so I win...found at Somerset Patchwork on Monday, washed, ironed and on as binding on a finished article by midnight's amazing...

Off to Bacchus Marsh today for their quilt-in.  The guest speaker is Michelle thingy whatsit from Adelaide, um, oh yes, Michelle Hill (yeah 'coz that is such a hard name to remember...slapping forehead to wake up the brain cells!)...time to go and pick up Miss Rosie and be on our way...

Happy Stitching...

*yes huge poetic licence taken here..Caledfwich is Welsh for Excalibur...and yes I know Excalibur was the sword of the lake not the sword of the rock...but as the sword of the rock doesn't have have an awesome name and there isn't a lake in the middle of the local memorial hall unless the roof has a hole in it and it is raining (which is doesn't and which it wasn't) I'm going with using Excalibur...

Sunday 18 September 2011

Urban Stitching...

Had a great day today playing at Urban Stitches...great venue (The Novatel Glen Waverley)...great company Kerry, Rosie & Jean...three lovely fully kitted projects by the lovely talented Melanie, Rosalie & Leanne...absolutely nothing to whinge about...gotta love that...
Pretty pink goodie bags full of projects and surprises...
The projects in those kits...
 Displays to admire...
Awesome food...yes lots of food pics but really, it was good!...
 A little shopping courtesy of Under The Mulberry Tree...
 ...the bundle of fabric was marked down and my so called friends were of no help in resisting tempatation...their response was to not resist!!! *LOL*
And yes, even some stitching...

And now this little vegemite is off to commune with her pillow...'coz tomorrow she has to drive the 80+ kms all the way back to Glen Waverley to pick up her glasses...grrrrr....

Happy Stitching...

Saturday 17 September 2011

Friday Night Sew-In...

Friday Night Sew-In rolled around again last night...thanks once again to Heidi & Bobbi for what did I achieve...well, stitching away when I realised that I actually can't show it yet...doh!...local quilting group is having our biennial quilt show in October and the challenge fabric has been languishing on the shelf for months...yep I totally forgot about it...oops!...a comment at Monday craft group a couple of weeks ago reminded me that time was fast running out!!! all I can show you is a sneaky peek...
Not very exciting but I'm happy with how the project is progressing...don't you just love it when what is on the sewing table pretty much matches the picture in your head..

I did get a little distracted during the course of the evening when Chookyblue emailed my partner for this year's SCCS swap and I wandered off to blog exciting...I've already worked out what I will make ? for her main present...I've also got ideas about the hanging ornament...I love this swap...

Tomorrow I'm off to play at Urban Stitches along with Kerrie, Rosie & Jean (no blogs)...we have been so looking forward to this day...and I'm also looking forward to spending the day with three good stitchy's being held in a big hotel located in one of the Waverleys (Glen or Mount...I get them mixed up) so a bit of a drive but it will be well worth the effort I'm sure.

Hope your weekend is stitchy...

Happy Stitching...

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Quilt-In at Werribee...

I'm a bit behind in the whole blogging thing lately...just can't seem to get my act together to write posts...or read posts...or leave comments on posts...aaagghhhh bloggy mojo come back!!!!  Friday night was regular 6-12 group gathering at Threadbear in Castlemaine where I continued basting the sashing hexies for Anna's Quilt centre my bag was already packed from Friday night, Saturday morning the same project went for a trip to Werribee for Wyndham Patchworker's Quilt-In.  It was a great day - spent with my navigator-extraordinaire Rosie (No Blog) (thanks Rosie I'd still be looking for Werribee!), her lovely friend Pat who sat with us, nice to meet you Pat, and catching up with bloggy friend Sheryl.  We all received a lucky dip door prize...I scored a deluxe wooden spool holder fitted out with the optional extras of a needle magnet and a thread cutter, always useful, thank you very muchly...Too much chatting and not enough concentrating meant the stitching went a bit pear-shaped...
Can you see the problem?  What's with the extra row!
grrr, reverse sewing will be required, chucked in the corner for now, grrr....

The guest speaker at the Quilt-In was Esther Aliu...whew! that woman can quilt *LOL* was lovely to hear her story and see her work...she invited everyone up to have a goog look and touch her quilts at the end of her talk but the crush at the front of the stage was too many quilters deep so I didn't even try...a couple of pics...
The design is stencilled!
Reversible...the back becomes a whole cloth quilt in itself...
3D gorgeousness...
Have a great rest of your week...

Happy Stitching...

Tuesday 6 September 2011

R & A's Excellent Weekend Adventure...

I had an awesomely quilty weekend in good company with Rosie (no blog)...(Chooky you'll need a cuppa!)...

Saturday we met at Essendon Quilters Inc. Quilt-In, along with a few other Sunbury Stitchers & Quilters was so nice to spend the day with friends I so rarely get to see.  The guest speaker was Susan Smith, I was so looking forward to this quilt-in and hearing Susan's talk and I was not disappointed...I was having such a good time, stitching, chatting, eating delicious homemade tasty treats provided by the Essendon members, drinking cuppas, chatting, stitching, oohing and aahhing over show & tell and Susan's quilts I quite forgot to take any pics!  Oops!!!  But I did manage to almost get the Bumb'le Bee hexie medallion appliqued to the background...wahoo!...oh and there was a finished Bumb'le Bee in the show and tell...awesome...if only I'd taken a photo!

Sunday we ventured out again...this time to Wonga Park and Quilts In The Barn.
Follow the driveway to the barn...
Our welcoming committee escort...
Not having made it to this event in the past, there was a degree of determination to make it this year.  Arriving right on the knocker of 10:00 am kick off we left...get 1:50pm!!! Nearly four hours!  Think we may have made up for all the years we missed *LOL*...we had a wonderful start with we got to met the talented Jo Morton her very self, take a first look and get photos of all the glorious quilts (I think there were 60) before the barn started to get busy.  A time out for some sustenance...a cuppa and homemade cake, yum!...sitting outside at tables covered with gorgeous quilts (under heavy clear plastic for protection of course)...

so relaxing just sitting in the fresh air...then back into the barn for another closer look see...lunch of bbq sausages in bread...another looksee...mmmm, no wonder it took four hours!  Each time we ventured back in to have another look at the quilts we saw something we hadn't noticed was wonderful to have that time and opportunity to refresh and review...aside from the exhibition of Jo's own quilts the remaining quilts were made by the lovely hostess with the mostest Linda who puts on this amazing event each year (it raises money for Breast Cancer) and two of her friends...their quilts were all either Jo's patterns or used Jo's fabrics or both...lots of lovely lovely ideas and inspiration...
I've had a go at creating one of those Smilebox slideshows...fingers crossed it sit back, relax with a cuppa and enjoy the quilts...
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Happy stitching...