Saturday 29 October 2022

Tea Time Small Quilt...

This small quilt was years and years in the making - I can't remember when it was started but the pattern - "Tea Time Wallhanging" by Jack be Thimble - is dated 2001...I'd estimate at last 15 years, maybe rush! ha ha ha...

It's actually been finished since sometime in the middle of this year but it was so hard to take pictures and pick up the detail...I eventually gave up trying and just went with what was achievable...then of course forgot all about it again...oops...

The Centre medallion teapot and foliage...
It is quite hard, it not impossible to see, but big stitch hand quilted with a Valdani variegated thread...I rather over estimated how many balls of the thread I'd need to big stitch a previous quilt and I have tons of it left over - lucky me because I do like it and it was the perfect colour combination for this small quilt.

In the ditch around the the borders and around the teapot and the scallops with a swirly thing on the pink borders to fill up the space a little bit.

On the border between the pink and yellow different tea types are embroidered in a variegated thread - peppermint, lemon and such like - in retrospect rather too pale a thread colour and hard to see but it is what it is...

Auditioning was this pink or a green...I couldn't decide so used both in a two fabric scrappy binding which I quite like...there are small circles of pink on the floral border which don't show up well...this is actually somehow the best photo colour wise which I couldn't manage again...while it doesn't all blend together in reality it does when trying to get a photo of the quilt...

Not a wall hanging in my world, I expect it will at some point end up being used as a table mat.

Happy Stitching...39" x 32"