Sunday 5 December 2021

On The Road...Bunjil's Shelter...

Mistea (she doesn't blog anymore) is having a mini holiday here and yesterday's request was "are there waterfalls in the Grampians?"...well yes there off we trot to "find some waterfalls".  I intentionally stayed away from the big one well known one because all the tourists flock so too many people.  There were two places I'd been meaning to go for ages but hadn't got around they went straight on to the list...the first was Bunjil's Shelter (not a waterfall but still an opportunity to put it on the list) - it's really less than 30 minutes drive away but you know how it is sometimes, the hardest things to get yourself to are actually the closest!...

The information board makes for an interesting read...

I'm not going to post a photo of the rock art...that just seems...well, wrong...but...otherwise...

Interesting rock and boulder formations...


Sometimes both...plants take hold wherever they can...

Lichen on rocks...

Views for kilometres...

No waterfalls yet...but tick this one off the list!...

Happy Stitching...


marina said...

lovely pics of your travels.
Say hi to Tracee when you see her... I bumped into her a while back at a wool shop. Was lovely to catch up.

Fiona said...

love the Grampians... have fun