Thursday 29 December 2022

Kilmore Quilt Show 2022...

The last languishing draft post...Kilmore Quilters held their show the weekend after a stroke of luck I was at the right house for each show...but again, lack of time so was only able to drop in for about an hour...and by the time I had lovely chats with those I rarely get to see anymore, it was a very quick run around the quilts...but it was soooo lovely to catch up with people, I just wished I'd had less competing demands on my time...

A couple of quilts that caught my eye that I managed to get a pic of...

I wanted to capture the quilting on this one for inspiration...

This one is just fun...

The Group's blog post can be found here...

Happy Stitching...


ButterZ said...

Good you could catch up with a few people.

kiwikid said...

Great photos on the blog. Good you caught up with people.

Chookyblue...... said...

love those quilts......thats heaps for sharing.........

dq said...

Yea, I am totally in love with both the orange peel quilt as well as the flower one at the bottom. Funny thing, I made two orange peels last year and a starting the flower one as well in the same colors - no way. I love low volumes.