Friday 2 July 2010

July OPAM - Tick!

I's only the 2nd but hey, I'm nothing if not inconsistent *LOL*
Ta dah!

The table runner I started back in February for my SIL's birthday in January is done, done, done...well, except I haven't given it a little bath yet.  It's not really the weather for washing quilty stuff, it would take an age to dry so that bit will wait until the weather is a bit more clement.  And the light is a bit crook for taking pics, so hard to get the colours to come out right.  Oh well, it is winter after all.

That's July's OPAM finish ticked the focus Must be on getting A Gardener's Journal on track for the Stitch-A-Long.

And, since it is July that means that it is time for the Daylesford Craft Experience...Wahoo!!! looking forward to playing at this event is going to be fun.  See ya there T and R :)

Enjoy your Friday.

Happy sewing...

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