Monday 29 April 2024

Off to Scrub Stitchin'...Monday...

I set off for Scrub Stitchin' on Monday, to give myself two overnight stays and a bit of roaming about on the way, before heading to Baradine for Scrub Stitchin' on the Wednesday...
I had a few things to do before I set off but finally just before 11:00 am I got on the road...first stop was the painted silos at Colbinabbin.  So well done, the reserve is immaculate with good parking and great information boards to compliment the murals...
A short hop along to the next stop at Rochester...a visit to the quilt shop was obligatory before a short walk across the railway line to the painted silo...lovely local fauna and bird life...
On the back wall of the bakery, which the railway line runs behind, is a witchy mural...
I had a few things to do that could be ticked off in Echuca so I added a stop in at South Fabrics to the list...well, it would be wrong to skip a patchwork shop! ha ha ha...I averted my eyes from the temptation of the walls of fabric bolts and concentrated on what I was actually looking for - how restrained!...

The haul from two patchwork shops was small but made me happy...
From Quilting Patch at Rochester shop the pattern and fabric - I have a few of Sonya's mandala patterns (the platypus one is in progress) so I couldn't resist adding the echidna to the collection - and the bonus was seeing the samples in the shop and being kindly allowed to take pics of the detail, I just love these patterns...the fabric is just pretty and refused to be left behind.  South Fabrics I thought would be the obvious choice to find a 6" drunkards path acrylic template and I wasn't wrong, except that I read it upside down as 9" so picked up the 5" as well figuring one of the sizes would do the job I was only a couple of days ago that I realised it is the 6" after all...good thing I didn't find another one on my travels!

I finally managed to cross the river into NSW but by then it was after 2:00 pm and time was marching on and I had to get to Hillston for my motel booking so I skipped stopping anywhere else along the way, except for getting fuel at Hay. I had planned to take the Lachlan Valley Highway through Booligal, as I hadn't gone that way before, but the road was closed between Hay and Booligal so that route is on the list for another day, maybe next year.

Happy Stitching...

Sunday 28 April 2024

Scrub Stitching 2024...

April 2024 meant it was time for...Scrub Stitching!!!!
The room was set up and ready for the Tribe to arrive and stitch up a storm...lovely quilts of Chooky, Janice and Brenda adorning the walls...
Gift bags of goodies at each stitching spot...we were spoilt!...
Brenda made the wee smiley badge and just about everyone quickly pinned theirs on near their name badge...she also made the world's best coconut ice...Di, embroidery machine whiz, had whipped up the commemorative mug rug...a lovely Hatched & Patched kit for a stitching roll with all the necessary but I haven't opened that yet...was very happy to find a "Purple Thang" amongst the goodies, in the couple of weeks before Scrub Stitching I'd had the idea that I really should investigate acquiring one of those - now sorted!...the mug didn't come full of tea- ha ha ha, I made a cuppa and then it was oh need to take a picture before I gobble up the edible goodies!...
The room set up for Saturday Night usual the Decorating Committee (Chooky, Di and Miranda) outdid themselves. We had two star wars characters at dinner along with Shirley Temple and other great creative interpretations of the theme - Stars.

The "if you want to" project this year involved a jelly roll ruler that Chooky obtained from Pictcon Patchwork in Coonabarabran. I have the ruler now "for later".  The results for those who played along looked great...
The strips are all sewn together into one long strip (the pink one was not at full length yet...there were more strips to be added!! so add a couple of extra "longs" to Kylie's strip) and then measured and cut into five which then make up into a five strip quilt top with sashing between the strips...ingenious and looks fabulous. Betty came up with the idea to make two shorter lengths and turn around to make a table runner.  They all looked fabulous and it will be great to see what is bought back next year for show and tell.

Of course there was the obligatory photo session...Janice's husband Mick kindly acting as chief photographer so no-one missed out being included in the pics...
Another year over and already looking forward to next year...

Happy Stitching...