Tuesday 2 July 2024

Sherbert Pips - AKA The Experiment...Ta Dah!...

Sherbet Pips...AKA The Experiment (because I experimented with chopping the corners of a Sherbet Pips by Aneela Hoey layer cake to make big hexies and machined them together)...that was started so long ago I don't even remember...but a trip back through 15 years of blog posts (this one and the original Wordpress one just in case) has turned up two posts...one from 23 July 2011 when I sewed the rows together and one from 16 July 2012 when the top was finished...hey, only a year apart that is a miracle in itself....so started sometime in the first half of 2011 I suspect...hand quilting started maybe 2-3 years ago? can't remember that either...quilting finished and trimmed up on the weekend of 11 and 12 May 2024...you just can't rush these things...
Big stitch hand quilted in perle 5 silvery thread in lines 1/2" apart.  I liked the idea of modern quilts matchstick quilting but 1/4" apart was just too much madness.
I was so excited, pulled out the piece of fabric from the range put aside for the binding all those years ago...and...It Did Not Work At All...seriously wrong...disaster and disappointment.  Scrounging about to see if I had any bits of the other prints (nope) I found a scrap of a solid grey that was just enough to audition to see if a solid was what it needed and...yep...perfect! Except, probably poly not cotton and a 6" scrap wasn't going to be enough regardless.  I'd have to wait until I could get to a shop - whenever that might be.  I ran out of patience within a few days and started the online search. Found what seemed the right colour in a Devonshire solid...tossed up between two shades...considered buying both - I only needed 1/2 metre so to get both wouldn't be too much of stretch...decided that was silly and went for the one I thought was closest...probably should have gone with the other as it seemed a bit light when it arrived but too bad so sad it will have to do...
Ta dah!  Quilted and bound...so happy...it still needs a good bath which will snuggle it up nicely but it's so so so cold and randomly has remembered how to rain again (we haven't had rain for months so that's not a bad thing), so still waiting a couple of weeks since it was finished...maybe this weekend...

There has been more but I don't want to cause too much shock so one thing at a time...

Happy Stitching...