Wednesday, 1 April 2015

NJ Marched On...

A couple of blips along the way (halt to any hand sewing for a week or so) but I'm declaring March SAL blocks done...except the two spiky flower shape blocks which have been discontinued...I was having so much trouble even getting started on stitching those sewing group on Monday, when they were all that remained, I forced myself to start by stitching the centre circles to the base shape...didn't mind that at all...quite happy about stitching the circles...OK, unit completed put on background...not so happy....a few stitches, put it down....a few more, put it down...not going well at all...back home...pick up, put down...slow and not steady...then yesterday it came to me...I don't like the spiky flower shape....not the stitching of pointy bits, the actual shape...the spikey harshness look and feel to the has to I'm declaring March done and those two blocks are in the "to be changed to something else" pile with the small embroidered blocks from February...when all the blocks are done and laid out I'll decide which of the other shapes to repeat instead of the spikes...the blocks are quick so it won't be a stretch to make up those blocks later...
So as it is on to far I'm not disliking any of the shapes in the April blocks so that is a good start!

Happy Stitching...